find prime numbers between given range
- Write a c++ program in which user will enter start and end of range ininteger
- Program should display every prime number between range and at the end total number of prime numbers found in range.
- Do the same program with separate function which receives two parameters for range calculate result and display output like first code
- Use any C++ compiler codeBlocks Recommended
- Nested for loop
- if statement
- functions in C++
- sqrt() math.h header file
Compiler Used to code: CodeBlocks c++ Compiler
#include<iostream> #include<math.h> using namespace std; int main() { int startNum,endNum; int found=0,count=0; cout<<"Enter Number START of Range: "; cin>>startNum; cout<<"Enter Number END of Range: "; cin>>endNum; for(int i=startNum;i<=endNum;i++) { for(int j=2;j<=sqrt(i);j++) { if(i%j==0) count++; } if(count==0&&i!=1) { found++; cout<<"Prime Number -> "<<i<<endl; count=0; } count=0; } cout<<"Total Prime Number Between Range "<<startNum<<" to
"<<endNum<<" = "<<found<<endl; return 1; }
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